The 10 Essential Elements Of A Professional Brand Guideline (You're Probably Missing #7!)

February 6, 2023

As a graphic designer, you understand the significance of having a cohesive and consistent brand identity. A professional brand guideline can help you ensure that your brand is portrayed successfully and consistently across all media, whether you're working with a huge corporation or a tiny startup. But what information ought to be contained in a formal brand guideline? We'll go over the 10 crucial components that every brand guideline ought to have in this blog post. We'll also let you in on a little secret: there's a good chance you're missing one crucial element.

The 10 Essential Elements Of A Professional Brand Guideline: 

  1. A professional brand guideline should include a full description of the logo, its variations and any other visual assets that make up the brand's visual identity. Outline the logo (or logos) and visual assets. Icons, graphics, and pictures all fall under this category. It is crucial to describe how these items should be used, including the appropriate colours, sizes, and file types. By doing this, it is ensured that the brand is applied consistently and that there is no ambiguity over how to use the visual assets.
  2. Guidance on when to use each version of the logo: When to use the full-colour, grayscale, inverted (white), small scale, large scale and any other variations of the logo that are a component of the company's visual identity should all be specified in a professional brand guideline. The proper circumstances for each iteration of the logo must be specified. You might specify, for instance, that the white version of the logo should be used on dark backdrops and the grayscale version of the logo should be used on light backgrounds.
  3. Colour and typography usage: A professional brand guideline should include the brand's colour palette and typography, as well as guidelines on how to use these elements consistently across different materials. For headings, body text, and other elements, this entails providing the precise colours (in both RGB and CMYK formats), as well as the font family and sizes. Utilising colour and font consistently helps to give the brand a unified and polished appearance.
  4. Logo spacing and layout guidelines: A professional brand guideline should include guidelines on how to position and space the logo, as well as any other design elements that are part of the brand's visual identity. The minimum clear space around the logo must be specified, and any limitations on how the logo may be enlarged or warped must also be mentioned. The logo is more readable and aesthetically pleasing when the space and arrangement are appropriate.
  5. Common mistakes to avoid while using the brand's visual assets, as well as "do-not" recommendations outlining behaviours that should be avoided when representing the brand, should be included in a professional brand guideline. This can involve using the incorrect version of the logo, stretching typography or logo marks, making unauthorised changes to the logo, or fusing the logo with improper features. These standards aid in preventing errors and improper use of the graphic assets while also ensuring that the brand is applied consistently.
  6. Use of third-party logos and trademarks: If your brand has permission to utilise third-party logos or trademarks, it's crucial to give instructions on how to do so consistently and sensibly. The proper application of logos and trademarks in various situations, as well as any limitations on their modification or fusion with other elements, may be specified in this. It's easier to avoid legal problems and makes sure that the brand is correctly associated with other businesses or organisations when third-party logos and trademarks are used appropriately.
  7. The brand's tone of voice and any specific message or messaging themes that should be used when representing the business should be outlined in a professional brand guideline. This makes it easier to make sure that the brand's messaging is consistent and in line with its goals. For instance, if the business is known for being approachable and friendly, the voice should sound informal and approachable rather than official and stiff.
  8. Guidelines for imagery and photography: A professional brand guideline should contain recommendations for the kinds of images and photographs that should be used to represent the brand, as well as any additional instructions for their use. The intended photography style (such as lifestyle or product pictures) as well as any themes or concepts that should be expressed through the imagery may be specified in this. Using pictures and photography consistently aids in developing a brand's visual identity.
  9. Guidelines for using the brand's visual assets in digital media, such as social media, websites, and email marketing, should also be included in a the brand guidelines. For logos and other visual assets, this may entail establishing the appropriate sizes and file formats in addition to any instructions on how the assets should be utilised in various digital contexts.
  10. Printing and production: The guidelines should also contain instructions on how to manufacture printed products like business cards, brochures, and other print materials in a way that faithfully portrays the brand. Including the appropriate paper stock, ink colours, and other manufacturing specifics. A consistent representation of the brand across all products is made possible through appropriate printing and production.

Tools To Aid The Process Of Creating Brand Guidelines 

There are many resources at your disposal that can make the process of developing expert brand guidelines more efficient. Popular choices comprise: 

Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign are just a few of the design software programmes included in Adobe Creative Cloud. These tools can be used to produce brand guidelines documents of the highest calibre as well as logos, illustrations, and other visual assets.

Canva: Canva is an intuitive design tool that provides a selection of templates and tools for making graphics, logos, and other visual assets. Additionally, you can build and manage your brand standards in one location with the brand kit tool. 

Piktochart: Piktochart is a tool that allows you to create professional-grade infographics, presentations, and other visual materials. Along with a number of templates and design tools that can be used to produce aesthetically appealing brand guidelines papers, it offers a brand kit feature that enables you to develop and manage your brand guidelines.

Brandfolder: your brand assets, including as logos, graphics, and brand guidelines, may be stored, arranged, and shared using the Brandfolder digital asset management platform. The ability to build unique templates and alter the appearance and feel of your brand standards papers are just a few of the options available for generating and managing brand guidelines. 

Brandkit:, a platform for managing brands, you can design and manage your brand standards all in one location. Along with a variety of templates and design tools for producing brand guidelines papers of the highest quality, it also provides tools for developing and preserving logos, graphics, and other visual assets.

Corebook: Corebook is a brand guidelines tool that allows you to create and manage your brand guidelines in one place. You may alter the look and feel of your brand guidelines papers using a variety of templates and design tools.

Tips For Presenting Brand Guidelines To Clients

Presenting brand guidelines to clients can be a challenging task, as you want to make sure that the guidelines are clear, concise, and easy to understand. Here are a few tips for presenting brand guidelines to clients effectively:

The value of concise and clear communication: It's crucial to convey the main ideas of your brand standards in a clear and concise manner. This may entail using headings, bullet points, and other formatting features to make the rules simple to read and comprehend. 

The advantages of employing visual tools like mood boards and style guides include: The overall appearance and feel of your brand standards can be effectively communicated through visual tools like style guides and mood boards. These kinds of tools can help clients have a clearer knowledge of the goals of the recommendations and can help them comprehend how the recommendations should be put into effect.It can be beneficial to provide examples of how the brand guidelines should be applied in different contexts. This could entail presenting examples of how the brand's colour scheme and typography should be used in various circumstances, as well as demonstrating how the logo should be utilised on various sorts of materials. By giving clients examples of how the guidelines should be used in practise, you can make sure that the guidelines are followed consistently throughout, and provides you with an ease of mind that your work is being displayed how it was intended to be.


Think of your brand guidelines as a recipe for success. Just like a recipe provides clear instructions for creating a delicious dish, a professional brand guideline provides clear instructions for representing your brand consistently and effectively. By including the 10 essential elements outlined in this blog post, you can create a comprehensive set of guidelines that covers all aspects of representing your brand.

But don't forget the importance of tone of voice and messaging – it's often overlooked, but it can make a big impact on how your brand is perceived. Just like a recipe tells you how to use the ingredients to create a delicious dish, your brand guidelines should provide clear instructions on how to use your brand's visual assets and messaging to create a cohesive and effective brand identity.

So next time you're tasked with creating brand guidelines, think of it as a recipe for success. By following a clear and concise set of instructions, you can set your brand up for success and ensure that it is consistently and effectively represented across all materials.

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