What Is 3D Render & How It Can 3X Your Business

November 1, 2022

1. What is a render?

A 3D render is the end product of a digital creation within a 3-dimensional space in a computer software. There is no limitation as to what you can create and the variation of 3D renders are of great depth. The final render can be very versatile to provide a solution for any 3D visualisation, whether it be photorealistic or artistic.

Architectural visualisation, product campaigns and NFT’s are just some of the various places that you may have seen a 3D render before.

These 3D renderings take a highly skilled artist to create, due to their complex nature. They are time consuming and intricate to create and therefore can demand a high price tag, but compared to the other alternatives the price and time are comparatively low.

2. How can it 3x my income?

3D rendering could be a great way to increase revenue within your business. Here are various ways in which it could do so.

2.1. Builders and Architects

For builders and architects it’s a great way to present the final vision of a new build to a client. For builders this is very much under utilised in their trade. By simply providing a final 3D visualisation to your project not only will you appear more professional but also minimise the risk of having an unhappy client. For the client, they get to see exactly what they are going to get, therefore giving them extra security which ultimately means you can charge more for the project, as they know exactly what to expect and will view you as reliable business.

Not only that if there are any changes to be made before hand its just a matter of changing a few things in the 3D render, rather than last minute chops and changes on site which saves you time and material costs.

2.2 Product based business

If you are a product based business and rely on customers buying your products then 3D renders also have a cost effective way to serve you.

Now instead of designing and developing a product, then getting a batch manufactured, just to find out that no one is interested and wants to buy your product. That’s a lot of money that has been wasted. Digital renders can provide you with a safety net so you don’t go wasting money on products that your target audience just isn’t bothered about. Instead you can source out skilled 3D-artists to provide you with a render so that you can then go to your target audience and find out whether they would be interested in the product or not, which will increase revenue and reduce costs.

Now thats not the only way 3-D rendering can be utilised within a product based business. With having the ability to use 3d-visualisations you can save on hiring a photographer, studio space, having the product manufactured, buying props for the set and having other people on hand. Utilising 3-D rendering means that you will always have the perfect conditions to shoot any sort of product photography at any time, all you need is an idea. Once again showing you how digital imagery can increase revenue and reduce costs.

2.3 Marketing

Similar to the previous point utilising digital imagery is a great way to run marketing campaigns. Instead of hiring out multiple creatives to put together a flashy advert, this can once again be completed by one creative and their ability to create scroll stopping content.

2.4 Research

This next point has already been previously hinted on, but you can take it a step further. Having already discussed about how you can use 3D renders in order to generate feedback from your target audience and gage their interest in a product. If the feedback is positive, you can then go onto have further digital imagery created in order to push a pre-sale. This saves on any manufacturing costs until you have generated enough sales and interest through the product visualisations, even before the product is manufactured.

If you feel that your business could benefit from utilising 3D visualisations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch here: …. I would love to find out what your business is and how I am able to help

you business grow.

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