Graphic Design

DJ Hilly

Project overview

Having collaborated with DJ Hilly on multiple occasions, I have created a range of work, from 3D visuals to social media promotional assets for upcoming gigs. This portfolio showcases the variety of projects produced for this international DJ, highlighting the dynamic and engaging visuals that support his brand and performances.


Graphic Design

3D Visualisations

Research & Ideation

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About the work

As mentioned earlier, Varsity Ski lacked branding elements that I could directly incorporate into the artwork to align with their setup. This led me to explore available resources for inspiration. Their logo, featuring a mountain and pink, purple colours, was a starting point. Additionally, I examined past photo albums and noticed a recurring theme of nostalgic, glowing photography with bright, colourful skies in pink, purple, and blue hues behind mountain ranges. Using this as inspiration, I generated AI images to serve as backdrops, capturing the essence and vibrant atmosphere of the Varsity Ski Festival.

Colour & type choices

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