Product Design

Hot Tub

Project overview

The aim of this project was to design an age-friendly experience that is sustainable, safe, and inclusive, while also bringing enjoyment to users in and around their living environments. Spanning several months, the project evolved significantly over time, ultimately leading to the creation of a unique hot tub.


Product Design

3D Visualisation

Research & Ideation

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About the work

The final product emerged from a series of themes and considerations. A key factor was the idea of creating a nostalgic experience by using the interior material of the tub to recreate the sensation of walking along the beach. This concept aligned well with the need to create a safe environment, as my research indicated that many falls occur in bathing settings—something I have personally experienced. Therefore, incorporating a softer silicone-type material inside the tub not only evoked relaxing and happy memories but also provided extra friction and a soft, comforting surface to help prevent falls and ensure safety if a fall were to occur. The exterior of the tub drew inspiration from natural formations such as rock pools, hot springs, and shells, reinforcing the beach and biomimicry themes.

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